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Якорь 1

Krolikovodstvo i Zverovodstvo

international interdisciplinary journal

Mission of the journal

Якорь 1

Krolikovodstvo i Zverovodstvo (K&Z) (ISSN 0023-4885) is an international interdisciplinary journal.

Since the early 1900s, K&Z’s mission has been providing information on challenges in agriculture, specifically in mammal farming with a focus on rabbits and other fur animals.

Our goal is to create a platform for discussion and solution-finding in these problem areas. In addition to many scientific solutions covered by our journal, we have been providing biotechnological techniques (See full list by<Subject Areas>) since the early 2000s.

The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, communications, and short notes that are relevant to the study of mammals, such as zoology, animal science, animal ethics and animal welfare. The topic of utilization of farmed animal products is not discussed in this journal. The Editorial Board strongly welcomes papers on the issues of the wild animals taming and domestication, preservation of the rare and endangered species by all means beginning from their trapping, capturing and captive propagation with the following return to the wild nature and completing with the biotechnological techniques, including cryopreservation of the genetic material and artificial insemination of the captured females, again with the following return of the animals to the wild nature. In other words, we prefer an animal for pet (for instance for a contact zoo) to an animal for pelt. We are proud to say that the team of authors and readers that follow our journal for many decades has the great experience in all these fields and we are welcome new members from all over the world.

History of the journal

The idea of a special journal on the rabbit farming belongs to the “Father of Russian rabbit farming” Sergey Efimovich Golubitsky.

It was 1908, when his monograph “Rabbits: their  varieties, care, breeding and treatment” had seen the light of day, and two years later – in March 1910 – it was followed by the first issue of his Bulletin of the Rabbit Farming [Vestnik krolikovodstva]. In November 1911 the bulletin became an organ of the Rabbit Breeders Society.


The journal published articles on rabbit farming, feeding and management, questions of the readers and answers of the experts, addresses of the rabbit breeders, bibliographies and annotated listings of publications on rabbit farming, abstracts of scientific and practical publications on rabbit farming from Russian and foreign periodicals, government directives and reports on activities of the Rabbit Farming Committee.

In July of 1915 the journal publishing was suspended for as much as 14 years and was renewed by the Publishing House “Novaya derevnya” only in 1929. During the next 10 years the journal changed its name several times, and in 1939 it got the current name “Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo” [Rabbit and Fur Animal Farming]. In June of 1941 the next Patriotic War again interrupted the journal’s history.

The journal bearing the same name and covering the same aspects returned to normal in 1958.

Since June 28, 2012 the journal is under the jurisdiction of the Research Institute of Rabbit and Fur Animal Farming, and its Editorial Board is headed by the CEO of the Institute as a the Parent Enterprise. Today it is Doctor of Biological Science Gleb Yuryevich Kosovsky (editorial board).

Якорь 1

На нашем сайте журнала "Кролиководство и звероводство" ( одновременно с выходом номера размещаются содержание номера и аннотации к нему. В редакции журнала "Кролиководство и звероводство" можно оформить льготную подписку на журнал (сразу на полугодие). Стоимость подписки на шесть месяцев 1 080 рублей (стоимость одного экземпляра номера журнала - 360 руб.). Оформить подписку на печатную версию журнала можно в почтовых отделениях по каталогу «Пресса России» - 70449, на сайтах подписных агентств или в интернет каталоге

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Якорь 2

Editorial board

Фото Косовский Г.Ю..jpg


Editor-in-Chief, CEO of the VA Afanasyev Rabbit and Fur Animal Farming Research Institute



The head of the Small Animal Farming Chair in the K.I. Scryabin Academy of Veterinarian Medicine. Academician of RAS, Doctor of Science (Agriculture), Professor.



Chief Researcher of the Rabbit- and Fur Animal Farming Institute.

Academician of RAS (Foreign Member), Doctor of Science (Agriculture), Professor.



Federal State Budget Scientific Institute Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding n.a. V.A. Afanas'ev (FSBSI «NIIPZK»)

Moscow region, Ramensky district, Rodniki village, Trudovaya str. - 6

+7 (495) 744-26-42

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